The angels who watched over my family, are as those who watched over Christ’s…
I have been reflecting on the Holy Family over the last few days and weeks. After all, the Holy Family – Mary, Joseph and Christ – were real human beings, born of real women and living together with all the real concerns that most other human beings have in life… Plus a few extras…
They are a family of Saints, where each parent had their own guardian angel – just as I do – and that guardian helped them and watched over them all the days of their lives. I have often wondered what it will be like to see the guardian of the Blessed Virgin and her chaste spouse Saint Joseph.
Imagine the majestic beauty of ANY ANGEL and then magnify it – if such a thing is possible – and see the glory of the guardians of the Mother and Foster Father of GOD!
How well-equipped they would have been to inspire the family of the Redeemer. And yet, when I reflect on this, I see that my own Guardian Angel is equally beautiful, equally powerful and equally well-equipped. The inferiority of my holiness comes not from my angel, but from my own sinful self…
It amazes me really, that the God of the Universe, who could create all things from NOTHING bothered Himself – as the Second Person of the Most Blessed Trinity – to be born as Man of a Woman into a human family – when He was already a member of the Divine Trinitarian Family.
And these days, I find that the more I reflect on this fact, the more astounded by it I truly am…
After all, God Himself had no need of a woman to be His mother – woman is His creation. And so the miracle is not so much the Immaculate Conception of Christ, but rather the fact that Christ was conceived by the Power of the Holy Spirit in a mere woman. Because even if she is the most supreme of all women and is Queen of Heaven, she remains a creature of the Creator who grew in Her Holy Womb!
For even as Queen of Heaven, Our Blessed Mother cannot compare to the infinite glory of God. In fact, the MAJESTY of Our Blessed Mother lies in her SUBMISSION not Her EQUALITY to the INFINITE GLORY OF GODS!
So, this leads me to the question, why did God make use of Our Blessed Mother to be the Mother of His Divine Son when He could have easily placed Him on the Earth in adult form ready for all the work that He was required to do?
In the comic books, Superman comes to Earth in a capsule from the planet Krypton. On Krypton he had no powers, but on Earth he becomes faster than a speeding bullet with x-ray vision and all sorts of other powers that allow him to protect the city and save the day while he is here. In the comic books, Spiderman is a normal teenage boy, who after being bitten by a genetically modified spider, moves to the city and becomes powerful enough to protect his city and save the day while he is here. In the comic books, Batman is a normal rich child, who after witnessing the tragic murder of his parents develops a specific set of skills to become a powerful vigilante who can protect the city and save the day while he is here.
These comic book heroes – and many others – all have something in common… They become special to save the day…
And it is this commonality among those heroes calls my attention to Christ…
You see, each of the comic book heroes was turned into SOMETHING SPECIAL so they could save the day. In contrast, Christ is God – who allowed Himself to be turned into SOMETHING ORDINARY so that He could save the world – for all time without beginning and without end…
While these other heroes came from nothing to become great, Christ – the Divine Second Person of the Most Blessed Trinity – became nothing and that was surely the greatest thing in the history of the world!
God became Man – a mere nothing compared to His Holy Infinite Divinity – just for love of us. It was by becoming – in a way – less than He ever was by assuming His Perfect Humanity that Christ was able to show us MORE than we could ever know…
I have been reflecting on this paradox as I have been thinking of the Holy Family over the last few days and weeks. After all, Christ subjected Himself to the rules of His family. God Himself – in the person of God the Son – followed the fallible directions of mere human parents when He already had (and was – through the Mystery of the Most Holy Trinity) an infallible DIVINE one.
After all, Our Blessed Mother was conceived without sin – not for Christ – Christ is God and surely He could have landed on the Earth in any way He chose! Our Blessed Mother was conceived without sin for love of US… Christ was born of His Immaculate Mother so that we would have a NEW EVE… It was so that we would have a second chance.
Really, it is like when I discipline my child by taking away a treat, and later allow them the opportunity to earn that treat back again. The only difference here, is that we had no way of earning anything back at all – because we had destroyed what was irreparable. But lucky for us, God could repair the unrepairable – only God! That is why He was born… To repair the unrepairable.
And what a JOY that He was. For now, I know, that just as the Mother of the Son of Man had a guardian Angel to guide Her path, so do I…
What a beautiful gift from God, to allow an unworthy one such as I to realise such a miracle! The guardian angel who guides me is of the brotherhood of the angels who lived with the family of Christ. The angels who watched over my family, are as those who watched over Christ’s…
For Christ was born to repair the unrepairable…
I must never lose sight of that!
For with prayer, I stand on Holy Ground where everything is clear. Here. At the Foot of the Cross.