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Writer's pictureSarah Raad


May God Grant me the supernatural power to love as He loves…

Accepting the Father's Love (Rander)

The other day my husband upset.  And he upset me a lot.


He did not upset me because he is a bad person.  He did not upset me because I am a bad person.  He upset me because he is he and I am I and we are DIFFERENT people.  And being married as different people there are issues upon which we disagree and when we disagree on those issues, it is stressful and difficult and upsetting because we need to work through those issues to resolve them.


And I have been thinking about that today for a couple of reasons.


Firstly, I have been thinking about this from the perspective of God.  You see, God often disagrees with me.  After all, I am a sinful woman.  And that means that I turn away from God’s plan for me and for my life.  For that is the true definition of sin – a rejection of God in favour of oneself.  And this means that I am effectively having a disagreement with God, who is “married” to me through His covenant which was created through the Sacrifice of His Only Begotten Son, who suffered and died to redeem me.


And when I disagree with my husband, being married to him, I become upset because I am frustrated.  I am incredibly frustrated that the way that I see that things should be done is not in fact the way that they will be done.  I am frustrated because when I think that my option will result in a better outcome – and I know that I am right – my husband choses to ignore my option and instead offers another that will result in a worse outcome.


And this is pretty much what I do to God every single time I try to assert my will instead of His Holy Will.  And I have been thinking about that today as I have been thinking about God.  For how infinite His frustration and how infinite His upset, when He has to deal with me…


And I have been thinking also – in very human terms – about my husband.  After all, there are times like this one where it is very hard to love him.  Where I feel tested beyond my human capacity to love and forgive and be reconciled.  And it is at those times, that I must asked my Beloved, my God, to love my husband through me.  I need to ask for the Grace to love my husband with a superhuman power.  Because that is the only way to love those who we feel have wronged us – or upset us, or disagreed with us…  For the human heart does not have the capacity to love through those things.  But the spiritual soul does.  And there is a power in the supernatural love that I am able to offer to my husband that could never ever be expressed otherwise…


May God Grant me the supernatural power to love as He loves…


For with prayer, I stand on Holy Ground where everything is clear. Here. At the Foot of the Cross.


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