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Writer's pictureSarah Raad


“Nothing is certain except for death and taxes.” (Mark Twain).

Gethsemene (Unknown)

Mart Twain was an American writer and satirist who wrote many political satires during his time.  Twain once wrote, “Nothing is certain except for death and taxes.”


And as I have worked in taxation at various times in my life, I have often enjoyed repeating this quote at various times as a reminder to people that I will always have some sort of job in some capacity throughout my life – having access to one half of those essential criteria…


But I have been reflecting on the essentials, and the one that is missing from that list is suffering.  It is true that every human born on this Earth will die and let us be honest, government will have its way and we will all most likely pay tax in some way – even indirectly by buying items that our governments have taxed even before we see them – like petrol or alcohol or groceries.  However, what is equally true is that we shall also suffer.


Even babies who do not survive their first few hours on the Earth will suffer before they die.  Young suffer and old suffer.  Some people suffer over prolonged periods of time, being blighted with illnesses or grief or both.  Others suffer quickly and quietly in a way that causes people to wonder whether they had any suffering at all.


The Late Princess Diana was a woman who many people associated with suffering.  Despite her beauty and wealth and lifestyle, she was unwell and lonely.  In short – she was unhappy.  And many people in the world loved her – perhaps because they sensed her vulnerability and her broken heart.


But I wonder how many of us love God in even this small way…  After all, nobody is more vulnerable than God.  I know this sounds strange, but vulnerability is not weakness.  To make oneself vulnerable is NOT to make oneself weak.  Rather, a vulnerable person is a person who is strong enough to truly reveal themselves to another.  And that is a dangerous thing.  It was certainly dangerous for Christ.  He revealed Himself as the Son of Man and was persecuted, tortured and abused and killed for it.  And He allowed this to happen to Him – not because He was too weak to stop it, but because He was strong enough to endure it.


And I have been thinking about that today.  You see, when we suffer, we endure things as God did on the Cross – and even before that moment – during His time in the world.  And instead of shirking that suffering, I should be embracing it.  After all, I would be unable to achieve salvation without suffering to atone for my sins.  And if I have a choice between suffering for a short time on this earth or suffering in Purgatory – or in Hell for eternity – an entire Earthly life of suffering is certainly not too much to bear.


And I am thinking about that suffering today – with vulnerability…


For with prayer, I stand on Holy Ground where everything is clear. Here. At the Foot of the Cross.


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