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Writer's pictureSarah Raad


For though we call some children “special” and really mean “problem” in this fallen world – in the perfection of eternity, they shall simply be “special”…

Seven Angels Adoring the Christ Child (Pierre Subleyras)

Technology like What’s App is truly remarkable. While we often hear terrible stories about cyber-bullying and keyboard warriors who wreak havoc on the lives of others, there are many benefits to this sort of technology as well.

For some time now, I have been fortunate enough to be a member of several prayer groups that run using What’s App as a platform to share prayers, stories, meditations, reflections and prayerful intentions. And I have found the experience of connection with others in prayer a truly remarkable experience…

Over the month of December, on one of the prayer groups of which I am a member, the group-leader asked us to devote the month’s prayers to praying for children who are sick and those who have “special” needs.

And so – over the course of the month of December – we have brought our sick children to the Blessed Virgin and asked her to present them to her Blessed Son, Our Lord.

On this What’s App group, during that month of December last year, each day a different child was presented to the group. The child’s family would post a photograph and a brief description of the child and their special needs on the group chat, and we – the members of the group – would join with their families to pray for these “special” souls.

I have been reflecting very much on these special children of ours. You see, in our secular fallen world – where the Evil One has so much influence over us – we use the word “special” in relation to children with “additional” needs and the word is somehow inverted to mean something bad instead of something good. Now, when we say a child has “special” needs, in our fallen world, when we use that word in relation to a child we mean “problem” not “special”…

And how terribly utterly wrong that is! And being so wrong, this has made me think…

You see, my beautiful little niece has a “special” heart and as I have been praying with those other families, I have been thinking about that too. Because when each of the families published their introduction to their child on the prayer group that I am on, there was an overarching theme. And that theme was… LOVE… Each family love and accept their child and all of their “special” needs with all their hearts… Over and again the messages used words like – “proud”, “love”, “would not change”…

And now – since the beautiful gift of my own very dear niece – I can finally understand those feelings…

You see, I know it might sound crazy, but though my darling little niece has a “special” heart, I could not truly ask God to make her heart any different. Because if my niece’s “special” heart were different, then I – and all my family – would be different too!

For the specialness of my darling niece changed my ordinariness into something miraculous and something marvellous – her specialness changed my ordinariness into a purer love of God…

And it is for this reason that I can understand – finally – the gift of such a child and the terrible crime of abortion, which so often seeks to deny a family the treasure of such a child.

You see, in our fallen world, “special” children, which are so valuable are vulnerable and so God hides them in plain view! Because it is in this way that God can entrust such treasures to their families so that their families can protect such children from the eyes of all the fallen world…

For though we call such children “special” and mean “problem” in this fallen world – in the perfection of eternity, they shall simply be “special”… And their specialness will radiate for every soul to see… For they are the treasures of their houses and are most wondrously and fearfully made…

And how could I ever find the words to express my joy at being honoured to be related to such a special soul as this? How could I ever?

For with prayer, I stand on Holy Ground where everything is clear. Here. At the Foot of the Cross.

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