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Writer's pictureSarah Raad

Second Spear

“… They accused Him of being a traitorous betrayer and liar, Him, whom I knew to be righteous and true and never to have offended or wished to offend or injure anyone.” (Saint Brigid of Sweden in Book 1, Chapter 87).

Christ before Pontius Pilate (follower of Hieronymus Bosch)

Yesterday I wrote about the first of the five spears that pierced Our Blessed Mother’s heart during the Passion and Death of her Son as revealed to Saint Brigid of Sweden in Book 1, Chapter 87 of the revelations of Saint Brigid. And today, I have been meditating upon the second spear…

The second spear to pierce the heart of the Blessed Virgin was the false accusations made against her Blessed Son… “The second spear was the accusation against Him, for they accused Him of being a traitorous betrayer and liar, Him, whom I knew to be righteous and true and never to have offended or wished to offend or injure anyone.”

Now, why did words cause such great harm to the Blessed Virgin – who is perfect and so does not exaggerate? In other words, of all the things that caused her heart to feel the unbearable pain of a spear running through it, it was the false accusations made against her Son.

Obviously, those accusations were the precursor to His death. The accusations levelled against Christ related to a variety of matters as the accusers changed their accusations depending on which of the seven courts, they were having Him unjustly judged in. So, while the initial accusations related to blasphemy, the later ones related to treachery against Rome. In this way, Christ’s accusers were able to manipulate the judgements to ensure the outcome they were seeking.

Now, when someone unjustly accuses me of something when I go about my daily work, I usually turn to them and immediately clarify my position in an attempt to educate them about the error of their ways. If – God forbid – I were accused of a crime in a court in front of a judge, I would engage a lawyer and call upon witnesses to help to clear my name. If that accusation were made unjustly, well, then I would call on even more lawyers and even more witnesses to help me to ensure that justice was done.nd now, I come back to my thoughts on the Blessed Virgin and the pain that she felt from this second spear. You see, that spear went right through her heart and she stood still and did nothing. And I have to ask myself why? Was she a stupid woman? No. Certainly not. You see, while the Blessed Virgin was uneducated, she was “full of Grace” (Luke 1:26) and this means that she was completely united to the Holy Spirit. The Gifts of the Holy Spirit include Knowledge and Wisdom. And this means that Our Blessed Virgin could not have been stupid or unintelligent – even without a formal education.

So, understanding that why was there such great suffering in this? Well, the suffering was magnified by her wisdom and knowledge. You see, the Blessed Virgin was so closely connected to the Holy Trinity that she felt THEIR pain. She was as one with Them. And I do not mean this to say that she was or is EQUAL to God. Of course she is not! She is God’s creature and even though she is His greatest creation, by her very nature she is inferior to God. What I mean by this is that she was so perfectly attuned to the Holy Will of God, that even though she knew people who could help to clear the name of her Son, and even though she could all witnesses for Him, still she stood in silence and submitted to the Will of God.

Still, she waited and did nothing. And she did this knowing that God was being accused of Sin, which is impossible – because God cannot turn away from Himself and therefore God cannot sin because sin is a turning away from God.

And when I consider my own big mouth, I shudder with grief. For the Blessed Virgin said nothing when we falsely accused her Son, and for that tremendous sacrifice, she carries a second spear in her heart…

For with prayer, I stand on Holy Ground where everything is clear. Here. At the Foot of the Cross.

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