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Writer's pictureSarah Raad


“O how beautiful is a pure soul! Our Lord showed one to Saint Catherine. She thought it so beautiful that she said, “O Lord, if I did not know that there was only One God, I should think it was one too.” (Saint John Vianney).

Coronation of the Virgin (Rubens)

I have been reflecting on the purity of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Blessed Mary of Agreda wrote of her revelations of the Blessed Virgin and Holy Family that the Blessed Virgin was the most beautiful masterpiece ever created by God.

And I have been reflecting on why and how She the greatest masterpiece of all creation!

You see, Our Blessed Mother is a PURE soul. Her soul never sinned and was never stained with sin – even Original Sin… She was created to be the beautiful vessel and FIRST disciple of God. And in this capacity, she – Our Blessed Mother – was created as a masterpiece. And she was a masterpiece, which God planned since the beginning of time, even before the Angels and the Saints, even before the creation of Adam and Eve – for God knew that they would fall, even before He made them, and still FOR LOVE OF US, He created us (we who would betray Him).

You see, God had plans to create the NEW Eve – who is Our Blessed Mother, Queen of Heaven – at the beginning of time, because even then, being outside of time and space – He knew that we would need her…

And the purity of her soul means that she is elevated even above the angels in Heaven. In fact, based on the private revelations of Blessed Mary of Agreda, it was this plan to elevate Mary’s human soul to Queen of Heaven, which caused Satan to defy the Holy Will of God. He did not wish to submit to a human soul and wished for God to elevate him instead…

But God chose instead to create a pure soul – the purest soul – of Our Blessed Virgin. Saint John Vianney explained, “O how beautiful is a pure soul! Our Lord showed one to Saint Catherine. She thought it so beautiful that she said, ‘O Lord, if I did not know that there was only One God, I should think it was one too.’”

And then later, Saint John Vianney explained, “What joy is it to the guardian angel to conduct a pure soul! My children, when a soul is pure, all Heaven looks upon it with love! The pure soul is disengaged from matter, from earthly things, and from itself. Pure souls will form the circle round Our Lord. The more pure we have been on earth, the nearer we shall be to Him in Heaven. When the heart is pure, it cannot help loving, because it has found the source of love, which is God. ‘Happy,’ says Our Lord, ‘are the pure in heart, because they shall see God!’ Nothing is so beautiful as a pure soul. If we understood this, we could not lose our purity.”

And knowing this, I wish I did not give away my purity so easily… I wish I did not…

For with prayer, I stand on Holy Ground where everything is clear. Here. At the Foot of the Cross.

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