“… (Mary’s death) is the passage to the eternal happiness in store for those who toil for truth and do their utmost to follow Christ.” (Pope Saint John Paul II).
When we profess the Creed during the Holy Mass, we say that we believe in the… “forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body and life everlasting.”
And I have been reflecting very much about this belief in the resurrection of the body. After all – though I rarely think about it – the resurrection of the body is such an important part of our faith that it is an established DOGMA of the Faith and is repeated at least weekly during Mass…
And as I was praying the Glorious Mysteries of the Most Blessed Rosay, and as I reached the fourth Glorious Mystery, during which we commemorate the assumption of the Blessed Virgin into Heaven, it occurred to me that the Blessed Virgin is the ONLY human being – after Christ – to receive the GIFT of the Resurrection of the Body. This means that the Blessed Virgin is in Heaven right now – today – in her GLORIFIED body… And this means that the Blessed Virgin is the ONLY human being ever born – with the exception of Christ Himself – to live in Heaven in her completely GLORIFIED state. And this is a very important thing to think about. Because this means that the Blessed Virgin is available to us as an example of HOPE. Her example as a resurrected soul and body is a guide to me – a method to imitate in following the holy will of God…
And in the words of Pope Saint John Paul II, “Mary’s assumption is an event that concerns us precisely because every human being is destined to die. But death is not the last word. Death – the mystery of the Virgin’s Assumption assures us – is the passage to life, the encounter with Love. It is the passage to the eternal happiness in store for those who toil for truth and do their utmost to follow Christ.”
For the Blessed Virgin was so humble of heart that she was able to rely entirely on the INFINITE mercy of God. And we know this because in the words of Saint Elizabeth, which we commemorate in the Second Joyful Mystery of the most blessed Rosary… “Blessed is she who has believed that the Lord would fulfill his promises to her!” (Luke 1:45).
And as I think about the Blessed Virgin – who has be resurrected both BODY AND SOUL – it occurs to me that I must go to her. I must turn to her. The Great Saints were truly right after all when they said that the path to sanctity is the path upon which the Blessed Virgin trod.
You see, I need to be “celebrating the glorification of our mother, and it is only natural that we her children rejoice in a special way upon seeing how the most Blessed Trinity honours her... And now, the whole human race commemorates her ineffable assumption. Mary is welcomed to heaven: Daughter of God the Father, Mother of God the Son, and Spouse of God the Holy Spirit.” (Saint Josemaría in Christ is Passing By, p.171).
For with prayer, I stand on Holy Ground where everything is clear. Here. At the Foot of the Cross.