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Writer's pictureSarah Raad


My whole way of thinking changed from being focused on myself as a victim to being focused on Christ as the PERFECT victim.

Christ as High Priest and Victim

There is an ancient Greek word, which is “metanoia”.

And this is an important word for Catholics to understand. You see the meaning of that Greek word, Metanoia, is actually, “a transformative change of heart”.

And I have been reflecting on the meaning of that word today as I consider my life, because a metanoia is actually a spiritual conversion. And I have great reason to give thanks for the GIFT of conversion – the GIFT of metanoia – that I have received in my own life.

You see, only a couple of short years ago I lived a different life. Though I went through all the motions of my faith – I attended Mass each week and received the sacraments, when it was convenient for me – I really had no love or true understanding of God Himself…

And I have been thinking about that today as I reflect on the benefit of a conversion – a true conversion…

You see a conversion is not more than an change of direction. And in my own experience the change meant that my entire mindset – my whole way of thinking – changed from being focused on myself as a victim to being focused on Christ as the PERFECT victim.

And that change of direction of my thoughts has really transformed my life… That is my metanoia!

Pope Francis explained this in words far more beautiful than mine when he said, “You can have flaws, be anxious and even be angry, but do not forget that your life is the greatest enterprise in the world. Only you can stop it from failing. You are appreciated, admired and loved by so many. Remember that being happy is not having a sky without storm, a road without accidents, a job without effort, a relationship without disappointments. To be happy is to stop feeling like a victim and become the author of your own fate. It’s walking through deserts, but being able to find an oasis deep in the soul. Is thanking God every morning for the miracle of life…”

And I have been reflecting on those words because they are a sign of such love of God for me that I have not the words to express it.

You see, the Holy Spirit came to me to enlighten me so that I would know that I am a beloved child of God. And now – even in the desert, or the storm – I can feel the oasis within me. And I can feel at peace… Because throughout any difficulty, I know that my God is the PERFECT VICTIM and I am a mere and imperfect replica of Him, and knowing this, I understand that I have not the RIGHT to call myself a victim and instead I must give thanks!

Because metanoia has taken place inside my heart, and I have nobody to thank for that other than my Beloved Himself.

And how could one such as me every be able to thank one such as He for a gift of faith like that?

For with prayer, I stand on Holy Ground where everything is clear. Here. At the Foot of the Cross.

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