Do you know how the saints express their love for each other? “Pray for one another.” (James 5:16).

When one of my children want to ask for something, they will usually talk to their siblings and decide – between them – who is in the best position to approach me to ask for what they want. They may consider their age, their articulation, their behaviour over the last few days, and they will use all of these things to persuade me to give them what they want or need.
And I have been thinking about the way that my children serve as intercessors for their siblings because it reminds me of the Communion of Saints…
The Communion of Saints are all the souls – on Earth and in Heaven – who can unite in prayer. And as I have been thinking about this beautiful gift of the Communion of Saints – who pray for us and join with us in praying for our intentions – I have been reflecting on the power of those prayers.
You see, prayer is just a conversation with God. Nothing really more profound than that… Just as in ordinary conversation, we sometimes use formal interactions – like when we greet each other and say, “Hello. How are you?” – so too, do we use formal prayer using prepared words, like those of the Our Father, or Hail Mary or the Holy Mass or other formal prayers to speak to our Beloved.
And again, just as we sometimes use informal interactions in conversation with each other – like when I call my friend and begin by saying, “Guess what just happened to me!” before I even greet her – so too do we sometimes use informal prayer, where we speak the words of our hearts to Our Blessed Lord using a jumble of words.
And then there are other times – when no words are used at all. This is like when I just look at my friend across the room and we can read each other’s eyes and know what the other is thinking and the two of us can burst into laughter (or tears) just from a single look. And this too is like the silence in prayer where we can simply situate ourselves in the presence of God and having emptied our minds, allow Him to direct our thoughts…
And as I have been thinking about this Communion of Saints, and these types of prayer, I have been thinking too about the proximity of the Saints to God. After all, it is surely easier to speak to someone who is right beside us than someone who is far away from us… And this is sort of like my own children when they intercede for their siblings. You see, sometimes it is better to ask the Saints in Heaven (or other souls on Earth) to pray with us for a particular intention, because they are in a position where they have a closer relationship to God, or they are more pleasing to God, or simply because it is good for them to pray, or it is God’s Will that more souls talk to Him through prayer…
And in reflecting on that fact, I have been wondering about how the saints express their love for each other…
And the answer – as provided in the Bible – is that they… “Pray for one another.” (James 5:16)…
“First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all men, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life, godly and respectful in every way. This is good, and it is acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.” (1 Timothy 2:1– 2).
Scott Hahn in his book, “Angels and Saints”, said, “Jesus is not threatened when we imitate Him by praying for our fellow saints. Nor is He offended. We may pray for one another (see, for example, 2 Corinthians 9:14). We should pray for one another. And we may ask others to pray for us (see, for example, 1 Thessalonians 5:25). And we should! We should ask prayers of all our fellow saints, those living on earth and those who are more alive in heaven.”
You see, Christ became incarnate so that He could share in our humanity – but it is more than that. Christ is incarnate so that, in a way, He could share His DIVINITY with us too – elevating us and making us His siblings – Children of God…
And siblings are intercessors with each other – all the time – and just as my children do – I pray that I can intercede for others as they intercede for me…
Because it is as an intercessor, I can really express LOVE…
For with prayer, I stand on Holy Ground where everything is clear. Here. At the Foot of the Cross.