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Writer's picture: Sarah RaadSarah Raad

The strength of the Immaculate is the greatest miracle known to humankind…

Blessed Virgin (Unknown)
Blessed Virgin (Unknown)

The Blessed Virgin was conceived without sin.  That means that she was the first woman in creation – after the FIRST woman, Eve – who was conceived without the stain of Original Sin.


This is why we call the Blessed Virgin, the NEW EVE.  Just as Eve was created without sin, so too was the Blessed Virgin conceived without sin.  Just as the fate of salvation of the Human Race rested on the strength of Eve in refusing to surrender to the temptation to follow her own will instead of the Holy Will of God, or to promote her own pride instead of her humility, so too did our fate rest on the Blessed Virgin for the same thing.


And I have been reflecting on this over the last few days.  You see, so much of what we do assumes that the Blessed Virgin somehow had an easy time of remaining sinless and immaculate because she was conceived and born without sin.  And what a fallacy that appears to me today.


You see, Eve was created without sin.  And she did not seem to have much luck in resisting temptation.  Actually, not only was Eve created without sin, but she was placed as an innocent into a sinless world.  She was placed in the world in a sort of bubble where everything was perfect.  There was no temptation to steal when she was hungry – her food was provided to her.  There was no temptation to swear when she knocked her knee – there was no pain or injury.  There was no temptation to doubt the ever-loving presence of God – He walked on the Earth and spoke with Eve as she wished.  And still – even in that perfect bubble, Eve in hr immaculate state sinned.


And I cannot blame Eve and take no responsibility for myself.  After all, I too am immaculate and still slip into sin.  After my baptism I was immaculate and still I sinned.  After I receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation I am immaculate and still I sinned. 


And I have been thinking about that today because my weakness and the weakness of my FIRST mother – Eve – simply serves as a foil to highlight the STRENGTH of the Immaculata.  The strength of the Mother of God and my Eternal Mother, who was able to remain Immaculate despite all the distractions and temptations in the world.


The Blessed Virgin – who remained Humble, despite being QUEEN OF HEAVEN.  The Blessed Virgin who remained silent despite being QUEEN OF HEAVEN.  The Blessed Virgin who remained in love with my sinful soul despite the Passion and Death of Her Divine Son.  Even in that moment, she did not submit to the temptation to reject me – as I rightly deserve for my sins – because she submitted perfectly and completely to the Holy Will of God…


And I have been thinking about that today – that strength of the Immaculate – for it seems to me that it is the greatest miracle known to humankind…


For with prayer, I stand on Holy Ground where everything is clear. Here. At the Foot of the Cross.


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