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Writer's pictureSarah Raad


I pray for the Grace to suffer needlessly…

The Investiture (Giovanni di Paolo)

Have you ever noticed how much of our modern society and culture is fixated on the idea of happiness.  We have only to turn on any movie or series, open any book or magazine, and we will see that everything points towards happiness.


The other day, I met a young man with very noble intentions.  One of the things that he wishes to do is to stop needless suffering in life.


And on the surface of things this is a very noble sentiment.  After all, everything in our society and culture says that we should be happy.  And a natural implication of happiness is that we should not suffer.  And needless or preventable suffering is often considered a very a terrible thing.


And yet, I have been reflecting on this idea ever since I first heard it, because although the intention seems noble, the intention is flawed…  You see, it is a terrible thing to CAUSE the needless suffering of another – but needless suffering is not actually a terrible thing.


You see, suffering is a good thing for the human soul.  This is not to say that it is easy to watch another soul suffer – often that causes terrible suffering in and of itself.  You see without suffering we cannot merit eternal life.


And suffering through sacrifice is by its very definition often needless or preventable.  Think only of this season of lent…  Here we are offering up things and making ourselves needlessly uncomfortable.  Why?  Because we offer sacrifices to suffer with Christ Crucified to atone for our sins.


And this idea – this concept of needless or preventable suffering – is not one that we are very familiar with in this world.  In this world, unhappy couples separate as each individual seeks their own happiness.  In this world, lonely people have meaningless sexual encounters because it feels better to them than experiencing loneliness.  And a whole myriad of problems eventuates from this attitude of seeking happiness.


And I have been reflecting on this today as I have been reflecting on the teachings of Christ.  Never once did Christ offer HAPPINESS.  Never once in the Bible was there a promise made by God for people to be HAPPY in this life.  Never once in any of the apparitions of the Blessed Virgin was a promise made for a person to be happy in this lifetime.


Instead, God promised peace.  He never said follow me and I will give you happiness, He said, follow me and I will give you rest.  He called Himself the Prince of Peace.


And I have been reflecting on that today as I have been reflecting on happiness itself.  Because it seems to me that I need to follow the example of the Saints.  The Saints who sacrificed the great comforts of this world – like delicious food and comfortable clothing and housing that sheltered them from the weather.  Saintly like Saint Clare of Assisi, who lived as the poorest of the poor – without shoes (in summer and winter), without meat (ever), without fresh fruit or vegetables.  And she did this for LOVE of God – not for happiness, but for peace…


And I have been thinking about that today as I pray for the Grace to suffer needlessly…


For with prayer, I stand on Holy Ground where everything is clear. Here. At the Foot of the Cross.


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