Considering that my salvation is at stake – that is simply not good enough…
I have always been very goal-driven. I tend to make a lot of plans and write them down. Ever since I was a little girl, I made use of lists with goals written down on pieces of paper or inside my diary, so that I would be able to understand where I was on the journey to where I was going.
There are so many clichés and quotes that relate to this goal-setting. People have said that if one does not know where they are going, any path can take them there… But, if a person knows where they are going they will be able to know how they should start the motions to get to where they are going.
When I set a goal, it tends to consume me. I tend to have a very fixed desire to get everything lined up so that I can actually get to where I need to be so that I can achieve my goals. This means that I will change the way that I do things and the timing of my activites. It will mean that I will re-design my day and the nature of my week so that everything is tied in together and I will be able to get all tasks done before I get back to where I need to be.
And it occurs to me that I set very good and strong goals and work very hard to achieve those goals in every part of my life, except the spiritual part of it. I can set a goal relating to my family, my children, my work, my friends and my money and possessions. But I am yet to set a goal in terms of my spiritual life.
Have I ever said to myself that I am going to spend fifteen minutes in mental prayer every single day at eight o’clock in the morning every single day without fail? If the ONLY goal that matters is the goal of salvation, surely a few paltry moments of silent prayer without any distractions is hardly a big ask?
After all, if I can set goals and change my day in relation to something as worthless as money, what more could I sacrifice in order to achieve salvation. You see, when I die, my family and my friends, and my property and money will be left behind as though they never existed. And I will die alone – without anyone being able to do this job for me. I will die – even surrounded by others – with my soul laid bare to my Maker, just my soul and His… And unless I set a goal to be able to face my Beloved with some degree of merit to count for me, then I shall be approaching this NECESSARY step without any preparation. And is I am going to continue to no know where I am going, then with no goal, any path will get me to that destination…
And – considering that my salvation is at stake – that is simply not good enough…
For with prayer, I stand on Holy Ground where everything is clear. Here. At the Foot of the Cross.