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Writer's pictureSarah Raad


The Saints lived their lives in preparation for their deaths.

Following his decapitation in 258 C.E., St. Denis is said to have picked up his head, walked 6 miles, and given a sermon. “St. Denis Picking up His Head”, 19th century, Panthéon murals, Paris (Photo)

There is one thing that is certain in this life. While I might make money or lose it... While I might be healthy or be sick… While I might have friends and be popular or be all alone... While I might become well known or completely unknown… There is ONE thing in this life that is certain…

And the certain thing is that every single living creature that was ever born on this earth will die one day.

It is a fact – plain and simple. I will die one day. I might die when I am old and tired and frail. I might die when I am, young and busy and healthy. I might die after a long illness or a short one. I might die as a very unhealthy woman or a very healthy one. I might die suddenly and unexpectedly, or I might die after a long period of preparation.

And though we live in a world full of technology and advancement, though we live in a world where human beings can travel to the bottom of the ocean or past the top of the Earth’s atmosphere into Space, though doctors can see inside my body without even opening my skin, there is one thing for certain… I will die (and so will you too).

And what do I do with this certain knowledge? Well, I do things to try to stay young and healthy. I colour my hair and look after my skin. I wear clothes that flatter my figure and concentrate on my work and my family as though there is nothing else to worry about in the world other than what is happening at this time and in this place. I look at celebrities, who are praised for their youthful appearance, and I live in a world where a lifetime of goodness is poured into a mere physical body…

Now, I am not suggesting that I stop looking after myself or my physical appearance just because I am going to die one day. Rather, I am suggesting that a balance is required. I am suggesting that I must keep at the forefront of my mind, my impending death.

The Saints lived their lives in preparation for their deaths. The decisions that they made were to bring them closer to God. They aligned their vision of eternity with their actions of today. And that meant that they could see their death before their eyes. And yet – despite seeing such a thing constantly before them – they were joyful.

And I have been reflecting on that too. Because there is great joy in being able to understand that death is but another step on the journey to my Beloved… For in knowing that a soul cannot help but remain joyful, for where else could I possibly wish to be than standing in the presence of my Beloved, God, King of the Universe…?

For with prayer, I stand on Holy Ground where everything is clear. Here. At the Foot of the Cross.

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