I know that because God is Good it would have certainly been GOOD. And the MOST GOOD that we could have given out circumstances.
Have you ever had a period of time in your life when it felt as though things were overwhelmingly hopeless? When things appeared so terrible that the very effort of waking up in the morning and facing the next set of problems seemed overwhelming?
I recently experienced something similar to this – though no as terrible or dramatic as those first few lines sound.
Several people in my family were sick at once. Two of my children had (scheduled and expected) dental surgery, my father experienced serious complications from some scheduled and expected surgery, and my brother-in-law was sick in hospital as a result cancer.
All these people are dear to me, and despite all of this, work had to go on, home had to go on, family had to go on and everything else had to continue as business as usual.
During that period of time – several weeks in fact – things became very difficult. At one point, my mother saw the young children playing outside and asked, “Do you think they will get sick in this weather?” And my sister joked, “Yes, Mum. Considering what is happening to us at the moment, they will not only get sick, but bit will become a serious illness, and they will end up in hospital.”
Now – though some of the children did catch a cold – nobody else ended up in hospital, thank God!
And I have been thinking about that period of time. When things seemed most overwhelming, I mostly just called out to God in my mind and said, “Please help me God. Please help me…”
There were no fancy words or prayers. There was just a quiet calling to my Beloved in my heart and in my mind.
And slowly – almost imperceptibly – I was able to claw my way back…
And I have been reflecting on that today, because the rays of hope that shot through during that very difficult time, were certainly small and almost imperceptible to the “human eye”. And yet, hey were there all along.
In fact, that hope was expressed through each little moment that came through in each little scenario. That could have been though a phone call from a friend, or a funny message on a family What’s App Chat. They could have been though a small sign of progress or improvement. I saw that hope through a nice day with the children, or an ice-cream as a special treat.
And the miracle of all of this is that through one tiny ray of hope at a time, I was able to see a light at the end of this experience. I was able to see that given a bit of time and the Will of God, that all things can be done. And even if the outcome of this particular time had not been so positive for my family, I know that because God is Good it would have certainly been GOOD. And the MOST GOOD that we could have given out circumstances.
And today, I give thanks for the creeping hope that God sent to me…
For with prayer, I stand on Holy Ground where everything is clear. Here. At the Foot of the Cross.