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Writer's pictureSarah Raad


“I am aware more than ever of the richness of my condition and I don't desire anything but to continue in it. This has been for me the miracle of Lourdes this year.”

Blessed Benedetta Porro

I recently came across the story of Blessed Benedetta Porro, the Italina Blessed, who died slowly of a disease that slowly took control of her senses leaving her in a vegetative state prior to her death – unable to hear or speak or taste or move.

When this woman was ill, she undertook a pilgrimage to Lourdes in May 1962 seeking healing. While there she met a twenty two year old woman, Maria, who was sobbing and praying for healing. Blessed Benedetta began to pray with this young woman and Maria was healed.

At the end of a pilgrimage to Lourdes Blessed Benedetta said, “I don’t need a cure. I have faith and that is enough. I came for others.” Blessed Benedetta understood through her own suffering that “Whoever comes closer to Jesus through suffering, will become kinder, whoever distances himself becomes more cruel without even realising.”

From there onwards, Blessed Benedetta was completely incapacitated, unable to move or see or hear. Miraculously her voice remained, though very weak, and she was able to move her left hand. Her loved ones traced the letters of the alphabet on her face to communicate with her and Blessed Benedetta continued to spread love and joy to those around her, despite being so severely restricted

After visiting Lourdes again on 24 June 1963, as her family prayed for a miracle, Blessed Benedetta received the miracle of understanding, as she concluded that she would not change a single thing about her condition because… “I am aware more than ever of the richness of my condition and I don't desire anything but to continue in it. This has been for me the miracle of Lourdes this year.”

On 23 January 1964, at the age of twenty-seven years old, Blessed Benedetta, after having been told of the white rose that bloomed outside her window, said, “This is the sign I was waiting for!” You see, she had dreamed of her family burial vault decorated with a white rose a few months before on All Saints Day… Shortly afterwards, stricken by a haemorrhage, Blessed Benedetta died after murmuring “Thank You”.

And I have been reflecting on her words…

“Because I’m deaf and blind, things have become complicated for me... Nevertheless, in my Calvary, I do not lack hope. I know that at the end of the road, Jesus is waiting for me. First in my armchair, and now in my bed where I now stay, I have found a wisdom greater than that of men — I have discovered that God exists, that He is love, faithfulness, joy, certitude, to the end of the ages... My days are not easy. They are hard. But sweet because Jesus is with me, with my sufferings, and He gives me His sweetness in my loneliness and light in the darkness. He smiles at me and accepts my collaboration.”

Oh to die the death of such a soul as that…

For with prayer, I stand on Holy Ground where everything is clear. Here. At the Foot of the Cross.

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