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Writer's pictureSarah Raad


We were not really born to change. 

Adam and Eve (Christos Efstathiou)

They say that change is the most difficult thing in the world to achieve.  People very often resist change because of the fear of the unknown, laziness or sheer unwillingness to trust that the proposed change is going to result in a better future than the comfortable past achieves…


Change is such a difficult area that there are people and businesses who devote their entire lives and careers to helping others to change.  Psychologists work with people to help them to change their outlook, mentality or perspective on issues in their own life and in the world.  Change managers work with businesses to ensure that the people who work in those organisations can accept change and cope with it.  And parents spend countless hours coaching children through each little change in their lives as they grow and develop and move into primary school then high school then further studies and work and relationships and marriage.


So – it would seem – that change is a certainty of this world and also that it is the one things that people spend an awful lot of time rejecting…


And I have been reflecting on why that is…


And I believe it is because we were not created for change.  We human beings were created to live perfectly in harmony with God and at the end of our earthly lives to transition peacefully to Heaven to be with God eternally.  And who is God?  Well, God is the perfect unchanging and unchangeable Being.  God does not change, and we humans were created in God’s image.  So, we are not really supposed to change – at least that was the original plan before we humans mucked everything up through Original Sin.


And I have been reflecting on that because it means that we find change difficult because it is not NATURAL to us.  We were not really born to change.  You see, if Adam and Eve never ate from the Tress of the Knowledge of Good and Evil they would never have been corrupted and would never have been made “ignorant” of God’s ways and having remained in the “light of God’s guiding light, they would not have had any opportunity to change or make decisions that would have negatively impacted their lives.  And this would mean they would have remained perfect.  And being perfect – by definition – they would not need to change.


And THAT is how things were meant to be.  Now – due to the corruption of sin – we cannot be perfect and we must change constantly.  For without change we can never whittle away at all the dry dead wood that is in us and would never be able to perfect ourselves.  And what that really means is that we need change so that we can constantly improve.  And today, as I reflect on all the things that I would rather not change, I take a moment to thank God for this opportunity, because without the opportunity to change, there is no way that I would ever be able to make any real difference to my immortal soul.


And THAT is really the only thing that matters – THAT CHANGE…


For with prayer, I stand on Holy Ground where everything is clear. Here. At the Foot of the Cross.


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