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Writer's pictureSarah Raad


“I have never been happier.” (Pedro Ballester).

Pedro Ballester

I have been reflecting on the words of St Josemaría today.

Saint Josemaría said, “Don't let your life be barren. Be useful. Leave a mark. Shine forth, with the shining light of your faith and your love... and set aflame all the ways of the earth with the fire of Christ that you bear in your heart.”

And I have been reflecting on that concept of barrenness. You see, it is that concept that is pivotal to Christ’s teaching…

“And He said to them, ‘Is a lamp brought in to be put under a bushel, or under a bed, and not on a stand? For there is nothing hid, except to be made manifest; nor is anything secret, except to come to light.’” (Mark 4:21-25).

And I have been reflecting on that example in light of the young. Blessed Carlo Acutis died as a teenager of leukemia, and yet – though he had no children of his own and did not live to adulthood – proved that his life was not barren. You see, Blessed Carlo Acutis was able to use the suffering that he had been allowed by God for the Holy Will of God and to bring others to God as well.

And he is not the only one. You see, there was a young man called Pedro Ballester who at 16 years of age decided to offer his life to God. A couple of years later he was diagnosed with cancer and underwent all sorts of treatments that caused terrible suffering. And yet, Pedro continued to attend university and try his best to lead a normal life. And people around him sought him out. And Pedro welcomed everyone in. He never allowed his parents to turn visitors away and always made time to talk to visitors, even when his pain was very bad.

After Pedro died on January 13, 2018, at his funeral there were more than thirty priests who concelebrated with the bishop and hundreds of family and friends attended the funeral.

During his final days of life, a young man asked Pedro “Are you happy, Pedro?” and after three years of suffering and being aware of how close he was to death Pedro answered “I have never been happier.”

And I have been thinking about that today as I reflect on the barrenness of a life that was not well lived. For in comparison to that barrenness, Pedro’s light shone forth with such great joy – even in the midst of suffering and close to death – Pedro Ballester experienced great joy!

And in the midst of all that suffering and all that pain, there was no barrenness in that young man’s life. And when I compare his joy to the barrenness that I so often experience in my own – very blessed – life, it occurs to me that I should be feeling great shame. For my Beloved has done great things for me to lead me on along the road to Paradise.

For with prayer, I stand on Holy Ground where everything is clear. Here. At the Foot of the Cross.

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