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Writer's pictureSarah Raad


“He was absorbed in prayer and in contemplating God, and I followed him with my thoughts.” (Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska, Entry 490).

Byzantine Depiction of an Angel

I have often thought of my Guardian Angel…

Our Guardian Angel is given to us from the moment of our conception until the moment of our death – and maybe beyond. Our guardian angel is the soul who is responsible for walking with us along the journey of our life.

All my life as I have reflected on my guardian angel I have imagined that they have their eyes fixed firmly on what I am doing at each moment of my day and night. And yet, I have read something interesting the other day that caused me to think about things differently…

“The next morning, I saw my Guardian Angel, who accompanied me throughout the journey as far as Warsaw. He disappeared when we entered the convent gate. Just as we were passing the little chapel on the way to greet the superiors, God’s presence took hold of me, and the Lord filled me with the fire of His love. At such moments, I always have a better understanding of the greatness of His majesty. When we took our seats on the train from Warsaw to Cracow, I once again saw my Guardian Angel at my side. He was absorbed in prayer and in contemplating God, and I followed him with my thoughts. When we arrived at the convent entrance, he disappeared. When I entered the chapel, once again the majesty of God overwhelmed me. I felt that I was immersed in God, totally immersed in Him and penetrated by Him, being aware of how much the heavenly Father loves us. Oh, what great happiness fills my heart from knowing God and the divine life! It is my desire to share this happiness with all people. I cannot keep this happiness locked in my own heart alone, for His flames burn Me and cause my bosom and my entrails to burst asunder. I desire to go throughout the whole world and speak to souls about the great mercy of God. Priests, help me in this; use the strongest words [at your disposal] to proclaim His mercy, for every word falls short of how merciful He really is.” (Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska, Entry 490-491).

And there in that moment as the Saint’s Guardian Angel accompanied her, I realised how I have misunderstood… My guardian angel does not watch me – he watches GOD. He contemplates God. And he prays for me with his eyes firmly fixed on Our Lord. And he does this because I AM INCAPABLE of praying to God the way that I should, so God has provided an advocate for me to pray to Him.

And when I think about that today and reflect on how lucky I am to be able to contemplate my Beloved through the eyes of one of His more perfect creatures – my Guardian Angel – it occurs to me that I am blessed beyond measure. For I am accompanied through my life’s journey by a soul who understands far more than I the value of my God. And he can pray to God for me – even when I do not know how…

For with prayer, I stand on Holy Ground where everything is clear. Here. At the Foot of the Cross.

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