If I were to stand in front of my God as Just Judge, I would be unable to try to excuse my poor behaviour based on my own poor judgement when faced with PERFECT justice.
I really do not like running late. I tend to try to arrive at my destination prior to the time required just so that I have time to prepare myself and be ready for the interactions of the day. Perhaps, because I like to be on time for things, it is a particular issue for me when people are running late.
Now, I can understand that sometimes things get in the way and we can run late through no fault of our own. But there are also other times, when running late is just not a possibility and we really have to make sure that we are running on time for a particular thing.
The other day, I was interviewing people for a position in my business. And one of the candidates ran late for the interview. In fact, she was fifteen minutes late for a thirty minute interview. This person came with many excuses and apologies for being late. However, there was really nothing more strenuous than the normal day to day that somehow seemed to get the better of her and get in the way of the job that day.
And I have been thinking about that today as I have been thinking about eternal life.
You see, when we face the Just Judge in the Final Judgement, we shall not be able to take any excuses with us. All the reasons for the sins that we have committed will be considered as nothing. In fact, if I were to stand in front of my God as Just Judge, I would be unable to try to excuse my poor behaviour based on my own poor judgement when faced with PERFECT justice.
It is said that a soul would not dare to justify their choices and actions in the face of the Just Judge.
And I have been thinking about that today. You see, when a human being dies – even if their family are surrounding them and they are lying in the bed calmly as though they are merely asleep – that human being is IMMEDIATELY judged. There is no early or late – there is only NOW. Eternal and present.
So, while we are standing around the bed and crying our tears and bending to kiss the still-warm cheek of our loved ones who have died, their souls are already in Heaven, Hell or Purgatory. They have already been judged and they are experiencing eternity in their rightful place.
And I have been thinking about that today as I have been thinking about running late. For there is not late (or early) with God. There is only Good and Right and Just and Mercy. And right now, I think I need to spend a little bit more time reflecting on that and a little bit less time making excuses about how I am going to talk myself out of thing…
For with prayer, I stand on Holy Ground where everything is clear. Here. At the Foot of the Cross.