It is NEVER too late, and there is such a marvellous miracle to meditate upon in that…
I have been reflecting on the story that tells of the miraculous healing of the daughter of Jairus, who was raised from the dead by Christ.
“A great crowd gathered about Jesus... Then came one of the rulers of the synagogue, Jairus by name; and seeing Him, he fell at His feet, and besought Him, saying, ‘My little daughter is at the point of death. Come and lay your hands on her, so that she may be made well, and live.’ And He went with him... While he was still speaking, there came from the ruler’s house some who said, ‘Your daughter is dead. Why trouble the Teacher any further?’ But ignoring what they said, Jesus said to the ruler of the synagogue, ‘Do not fear, only believe.’” (Mark 5:21-43).
And I have been reflecting on that story, because Christ was delayed by the haemorrhaging woman, who by touching the hem of His garment was healed by her faith.
And when she was healed – even knowing the urgency of Jairus’ request, and the sickness of his daughter, who was “near death” – still Christ stopped, identified the haemorrhaging woman in the crowd and healed her. He spoke with her and looked at her and called her “daughter”. In other words – despite the urgency of His errand, Christ CLAIMED that woman as His own. He healed her body – but really, He saved her soul that day as well…
And this delayed Him. And Christ as Man, did not know that Jairus’ daughter would die due to that delay. However, he surely knew that there was a risk that the girl would die before He reached her home. And still He stopped to save a soul… And He could do this because He COMPLETELY TRUSTS the Holy Will of God. Guided by the Holy Spirit, Christ knew that He could NEVER be late.
Because God is outside of time and space. And what that really means is that it is never too late for God. It was not too late for Jairus’ daughter It was not too late for the son of the widow of Naim. It was not too late for Lazarus who had already been dead for four days before Christ raised him. It was not too late for the Haemorrhaging woman, or the blind man or the paralytic... It was not too late for Saul to become Saint Paul, or for the libertine Augustine to become Saint Augustine, Doctor of the Church.
And this shows me today, that it is not too late for me the Prodigal Son – or daughter in my case…
And when I think about that my heart overflows with joy. Because I have come to realise that it is NEVER too late, and there is such a marvellous miracle to meditate upon in that…
For with prayer, I stand on Holy Ground where everything is clear. Here. At the Foot of the Cross.