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Writer's pictureSarah Raad


“And He left them, and getting into the boat again He departed to the other side.” (Mark 8:13).

The Sermon on the Mount (Jan Brueghel the Elder)

I have been considering the story of a very famous Italian writer and atheist called, Giovanni Papini who was born in 1881. Papini was the sort of man who was completely unconvinced of the existence of God and no argument was strong enough to persuade him otherwise for many many years.

One evening during winter, Papini and his atheist friend were walking along the street. Together they stumbled upon a beggar in the street who was blue with cold. The beggar held his hand out for a coin. Papini took a coin from his pocket and offered the coin to the beggar saying, “This coin is yours if you utter two or three good blasphemies.” Immediately the astonished beggar withdrew his hand and said, “Poor man! God have mercy on you.” And the beggar turned away from Papini.

And that interaction remained in Papini’s head. There he was in a position of power and influence, able to alleviate at least one or two of the beggar’s problems, and there he was, being called “poor” by a man who had been reduced to living on the streets without a home, and begging for food, money and clothing. And it was not long after that that Papini became a devout Catholic…

And I have been thinking about that in light of the Gospel today. For it seems that Papini refued to see the signs that were right in front of him by a sheer act of will… And he was not the first and will certainly not be the last person to do such a thing…

“The Pharisees came and began to argue with Him, seeking from Him a sign from heaven, to test Him. And He sighed deeply in His spirit, and said, ‘Why does this generation seek a sign? Truly, I say to you, no sign shall be given to this generation.’ And He left them, and getting into the boat again He departed to the other side.” (Mark 8:11-13).

You see, God provides us with all the proof we need, but it remains up to us to see it…

Those Pharisees had just seen the multiplication of the loaves and fish. They had just heard the sermon on the Mount. They had just witnessed not only the conversion of thousands but their healing as well. And still they refused to see the miracles before their eyes. That was not quite enough. Now, they were demanding a sign…

And I have been thinking about that today, because I am like those Pharisees… I have a life overflowing with miracles, and STILL I refuse to see that Glory of God. Still I make demands on Him. Still I demand a sign…

And I have been thinking about that today as I reflect on my lack of gratitude. For I fear that my Heavenly Father may do to me what He did to the Pharisees… “And He left them, and getting into the boat again He departed to the other side.” (Mark 8:13).

And I would do anything to prevent that – even open my eyes to SEE…

For with prayer, I stand on Holy Ground where everything is clear. Here. At the Foot of the Cross.

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