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Writer's pictureSarah Raad


“The Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to work it and keep it.”  (Genesis 2:15).

Adam and Eve Driven from Paradise (Tissot)

One thing that is for certain – and I always say this – is that I will die one day, and you will die also.  In fact, every living thing on this planet will die one day.  That is the ONLY fact of life.


Some of us may become rich and famous.  Others maybe poor and unknown.  Some may be happy and others sad.  Some may be successful and others a failure.  Some may achieve all of their goals and others may not even achieve one of them.  Some of us may live a long and health life, and others live a short and unhealthy one.


Whatever the reality for the individuals at the time, the ONE fact is that we will all die one day.


And this fact is not restricted to human beings.  Plants and animals, bacteria and viruses will all one day die.


And I have been thinking about that today, because it is a sobering thought to consider all the ways that I try to avoid this one true fact…  I try to keep busy and do all the right things in terms of my health so that I do not become needlessly sick and die needlessly.  I take care with my person, and look both ways before I cross the street.  I visit doctors and people in medicine to make sure I have completed the appropriate tests to determine whether I need any help.


And all of those things are good.  After all, this life is a GIFT from God.  It is given to me and my duty is to be a steward of my own body.  God told Adam and Eve that the world had been created for them and they were to be stewards over all the world.  “The Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to work it and keep it.”  (Genesis 2:15).  And it seems to me that this instruction applied to my own body as well…


And even though I work for this and concentrate of my “stewardship” of my body, there is far more that I am required to concentrate on than this…  I am required to think of my immortal soul.


You see, while my body will die, the reason that I even have a body to begin with is so that I CAN die and be born to eternal life…  So the real effort – the real stewardship – should be on the NEW life that is contained within me, waiting to blossom when I am reborn.


And I have been reflecting on that today, because it seems that though I am conscious of this one FACT of life – the fact that I will die – I am also completely unmoved by it.  And that seems to me to be the least irresponsible thing that I have ever done…


For with prayer, I stand on Holy Ground where everything is clear. Here. At the Foot of the Cross.


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